Low-high day today. Had some insomnia in the night and started googling like crazy to find out if my hair would grow back beyond super short after chemo. Maybe I’ll love it short but all of a sudden this seemed important. I’m not sure what else I googled but I’m sure google can tell me.
Found out early this morning that my lymph node biopsy was positive for cancer (just one was biopsied because that is what the MRI indicated) which led to a slightly more emotional day than planned. Chemo still on track to start Friday afternoon though so really nothing has changed except hearing someone say “it is cancer” is not something I’d wish on anyone.
Later in the day my lovely friend Susan came by with some amazing food (and realized I had not eaten all day) in the afternoon and had a nice visit. Finally, after 6, I made it out to the barn for my second ride on Banner and he was super relaxed in the ring and on a trail ride with some horse/rider friends and a trio of dogs.
Then I lost my keys for about 25 minutes and they were in the place where I put them and first looked for them. I’m starting to think “chemo brain” may not actually have anything to do with the chemotherapy actually happening…my hard drive seems to be full. Wish I could store some of my brain data in the cloud.