For those of you who want to know more about my treatment here’s a quick overview – it made me feel good to stumble across this as it is a sign my oncologists are on top of the latest treatments for triple negative – My stage is considered IIIA because it is locally advanced (large tumor(s) and in lymph node) but it has not metastasized and that is a great thing.
Last Friday, April 13th (yes I know it’s good luck!) I had two more biopsies done, one on each breast, done with the assistance of an MRI. I was glad I’d had that sort of MRI experience before (see previous post) and also glad they administered some Ativan so the whole thing was pretty painless…until later ouch! I didn’t realize the breast biopsy I’d had before was fine needle and this was a core biopsy so larger samples. I guess that’s why they thought it was odd I was going to have chemo the same day but I was ready to get going with my treatment.
So today is Tuesday the 17th and I feel far better than I expected to after chemo. I managed to get outside with dogs and horses on Saturday and Sunday – though I was only out of my bed both days for about 8-9 hours. Still that was pretty lovely. Monday I made it to the office for a little more than half a day and that was great despite me getting a little paranoid about picking up germs. Today I worked from home and also went to buy a bunch of antibacterial things to wipe all the things down with all the time. I’m curious to see what my bloodwork looks like on Friday and to learn more about what to expect as far as side effects. Other than being quite tired (and doing related stuff like throwing away important mail and missing conference call meetings because I thought it was an hour later) and having a slightly lessened appetite, I mostly feel normal. Maybe some aches that are different but I am guessing from lots of time in bed. I am starting to wonder am I one of the exceptions to the feeling-horrible-from-chemo rule…but I’m not going to dare to jinx myself. I’ve heard the effects can be cumulative and that staying active and getting rest and having a positive attitude are some of the biggest consistencies with people who tolerate it well…so I am going to remain cautiously, actively, sleepfully optimistic!