Whew…so many things happening…part 1

Wow.  So much has happened since my first post.  Last week I was experiencing so much information overload that I didn’t know which day was which most of the week – I did make it into the office on Monday and Wednesday which was great.  Tuesday was a day of medical diagnostics (PET scan, EKG, genetic counseling/testing, MRI of breasts (um, interesting experience), ultrasound of same  – during which began brief period of me being super duper frustrated when they told me they found a “new” growth I was well-aware of and had talked to my surgeon about days earlier…it’s growing fast!!   Radiology wanted me to have an ultrasound biopsy of a lymph node and an MRI biopsy of the left breast, which couldn’t be scheduled for another week and a half.   They also told me that my chemo had been scheduled for April 20th when I was fully expecting from my prior conversation with my medical oncologist to start the 6th or  9th…at that point I got mad.   I’m still sort of mad about it since it’s pretty much obvious to me that the growth in my left breast would be the same cancer as the other mass since it’s triple negative breast cancer and known for growing fast and basically I can feel it growing.   At any rate, I pitched a minor fit and thankfully by the time I was done meeting with my med onc (that’s the chemo doc)  and her very calm and kind nurse, I at least got the chemo switched to start the same day as the MRI biopsy.   Since last Tuesday any casual observer can see the size difference in my breasts which was not the case that day…so that is really pretty strange to experience and I’m ready to get poisoned ASAP.  Sounds crazy, right?