Brave.   Also, there was cheese on mah face.

I have several items to write about but…for now in brief:

I just had my first working lunch with a donor where I was wearing a wig.  I didn’t realize how awkward I feel in a wig pretending like I’m not wearing a wig.  It feels strangely inauthentic.   Both the donor and the faculty member present know about my cancer battle and as we said our goodbyes asked how I was doing.   I just blurted it out, “I’m doing great but I feel really weird wearing this wig!”   I was assured I wore it well but I felt the tears jumping to my eyes.   I’m happy I caught them.   I’m not sure why it feels shameful to be wearing a wig.   Logical Sandra says that makes absolutely no sense.   So, after it was all over, I realized, wow, I am braver than I realized.

Also, if you go to lunch with three men remember ain’t nobody gonna tell you you have a ball of goat cheese on your face.   Just sayin’.

3 Replies to “Brave.   Also, there was cheese on mah face.”

  1. So true! What I see on my inside is not what others see on my outside. 😬

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