Ways to help

I’ve had a lot of folks, so many, ask what they could do for me.   Many have given me rides, helped me recover, gone to treatments, visited and told me stories, brought me delicious food, and so much more.   But many are far away.  I never imagined I’d have a gofundme but I never imagined I’d be faced with working a reduced schedule for a long time along with lots of cancer-related expenses despite my good fortune to have decent health insurance.   BTW if you have Duke Select you might want to change before you need to see lots of specialists or have lots of imaging.  But of course you don’t know if you’ll need that so nevermind.

At any rate, I have a gofundme now if you’d like to help any amount is greatly appreciated.  I’m hoping this will last me throughout the next year…and that I won’t be out of work too much either.   I’ve had a lot of anxiety about this as I’ve rebuilt my financial life after a very difficult period marked by several layoffs around 2008.   As my friends who wanted to start this inquired about what I might need I didn’t really know how to calculate it.  Right now I just don’t know what the future holds.  I guess none of us do, but I am getting a crash course in letting go right now!    Thank you for considering pitching in if you can.
