I didn’t complain as much as I meant to

That last post didn’t capture my mood for most of the day. I guess I should write more because it makes me feel good and I forget how sweary I have been feeling all day. I will say one thing. It really sucks when you have a headache and think “oh I hope that’s not a brain tumor” and start to sort of lol to yourself but then realize that, now, that actually is something to be legitimately considered. I need to ask my doctors at what point do I worry about a headache that keeps coming and going. I mean I think it’s a cold/sinuses (I get allergies often this time of year) but I don’t know.

This is just one part of life after cancer. Especially a cancer that likes to metastasize to the brain. Or the pancreas. Good thing I don’t know what a pancreas-ache feels like!

Random pic of beautiful Banner!

One Reply to “I didn’t complain as much as I meant to”

  1. Glad to hear that writing makes you feel good. It’s a way to move stuff swirling around on the inside to the outside, complaining or otherwise, making space inside. And your writing is a gift to those around you! Thanks.

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